Friday, May 7, 2010

Kaczynski is history!

Warsaw - In Poland, has been completed on Sunday the transfer of power: the liberal Civic Platform (PO) by Donald Tuskwurde according to initial forecasts clear winner in the early parliamentary elections.
The PO was 44.2 percent of the vote, berichteteder news channel TVN 24 late on Sunday evening. "We have langegewartet!" Shouted the from his supporters celebrated wildly Tusk.
Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski conceded defeat: "We have not done it," he said in Wahlkampfzentrumseiner nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS).
The high voter turnout, however, have shown that the polnischeDemokratie had emerged strengthened from the election campaign. PiS was derWählerstimmen derPrognose to remain well behind with 31.3 percent in second place.
Also in the new parliament are dasneue center-left coalition with 12.2 percent and the LiD gemäßigteBauernpartei PSL, according to the forecasts to 7.9 percent of Stimmenkam.